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Recent Baptism |
Thanks for the emails and happy birthdays! There is no
better way to spend a birthday then being out here on the mission. It is such a
blessing to be out here. This week was so great, and we have seen so many
miracles happening in our area.
_______ got baptized after church yesterday and
the spirit was so strong. He has been asking us to sing for his baptism, and
so my companions and I sang how great thou art for the musical number. It has
been amazing seeing the changes in his life. He is one of the most humble
people I have ever met, and has such a desire to share the gospel with his
friends. We are teaching his friend _______ now, and during the first vision
he teared up and told us that he felt a big warmth in his chest. Hermana Budge
extended the baptism invite and he accepted a baptism date for the 15th of
December! He didn't come to church or ______'s baptism like he said he was going
to and we haven't been able to talk with him yet to see why.
I am excited to be teaching him. He also said that his
brother might be interested in learning too so we are going to follow up on
that the next time with visit with him.
Also _______'s mom is planning
on getting baptized December 2nd. She hasn't had any coffee for an entire week,
so she is doing so well and has been coming to church every Sunday too! I'm
glad the other sisters are taking care of her.
This week we went on exchanges. Sister Poulson went to
Garden Grove, and an English speaking sister came here with sister Budge and I.
It was a great exchange!
We had a dinner appointment with a lady in our ward
and she had family members over. Her family members started asking us about the
church and turned off the TV so that we could teach them. They asked us all
kinds of questions and it went on for about 10 or 15 min, and then the lady in
our ward walked in and got mad at them. They were already members and thought
that they were being so funny acting like they weren't. I will admit, they did
a really good job and it was pretty funny. They said we passed the test so I
guess that's a good thing. Then they gave us a referral of a friend from work
so it was all worth it.
A couple of them were actually from Guatemala, so they
fed us Guatemalan food. I was thinking about Eric the whole time. They thought
that it was really cool that my brother was there.
District During a Recent P Day |
It has been amazing
watching the miracles happening in this area and seeing the hand of the Lord in
this work. I am a different person for being here and am so grateful for this
Well, the rest of my birthday will be great! I am pretty sure we
are planning on going to the duck pond and having turtle races later today with
the zone, and also playing soccer which is always the best! Usually we would be
teaching or tracting on Monday nights but tonight President and Sister Bowen
invited the three of us over to help them decorate their Christmas tree. It
should be fun. :)
Also, thank you Kara for the package! You really did not need
to do that. I loved it! :
) Miss you so much! We haven't gotten mail since last week, so mom I haven't gotten your package yet but we are getting mail later today, so thank you! :) Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT KAREN! I love you tons! :) Hope it's a great one! Have a great week!
) Miss you so much! We haven't gotten mail since last week, so mom I haven't gotten your package yet but we are getting mail later today, so thank you! :) Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT KAREN! I love you tons! :) Hope it's a great one! Have a great week!
Eric, I loved the pictures!! Keep up the good work. I am
so proud of you!! :)