Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Test the Book of Mormon

Sister Layton loves the kids!
Hola! This week has been great! Our new companion Sister Budge is so sweet and a great missionary. She is doing so well with the Spanish even though she doesn't feel like she is. It has been so fun to have her here with us. She is not afraid to talk to people at all so it's great!

Last Monday we talked to [Brother X] about changing his baptism date to give him a little bit more time to make sure that he was ready. He told us that he knows he is going to get baptized and knows that this is the true church but he wanted more time so that he could learn more. So, he wouldn't commit to a date, but was talking about doing it in the future. Then my companion said, "Guess what! It's Sister Layton's birthday on the 26th." Then he said okay then, I will prepare for the 25th!  

We made him a calendar and wrote out what he needed to do each day to prepare for his baptism. So far he has been doing everything. His baptismal interview is Wednesday night. He came to church on Sunday and also the ward activity on Friday. I am very excited for him. What a great birthday present! 

This week we had a ward activity and [Brother X] brought his friend, and it turns out that we have talked to his friend before on the street but his number didn't work so we weren't able to find him again and he was never home when we went over. Both of them love to sing, and I guess [Brother X] made friends with the Stake President because he ended up singing for the talent show while the Stake President played his guitar. It was awesome! We had to leave early to be home on time so we didn't get to watch it, but I had someone videotape it for me. Sister Poulson and I did the rubix cube together so that was fun. We finished it at the exact same time, so it was perfect. I am teaching Sister Budge how to do it too.

We had a temple tour this week for investigators which was really nice. One of President Bowen's counselors (President Tucker) was there and he invited my companionship over for thanksgiving dinner! 


Turkey! I guess most of the missionaries last year had tacos or beans and rice for thanksgiving.

Lets see what else.. Dad, you letter at the beginning of the week was so perfect. Last week I was feeling like we have been working so hard and not having a lot of success. We had so many appointments set up and almost all of them fell through. We found so many people but had the hardest time finding them again. They wouldn't be home for appointments or would give us the wrong address or number. 

District during a recent P day
Part of your letter really helped me. I love the part when you said, "Next time you feel discouraged and perhaps a bit of failure, remember that success is not necessarily defined as many feel that it is. Success is achieved when we invite. Remember where that feeling of discouragement comes from and then boot it out!" I have to remind myself sometimes that people have their agency and that it's not our fault if they don't accept. I also have to remind myself that I am doing my part when I invite. I just love these people so much and want them to have the Gospel in their lives because I know how it can bless them. Anyway, thanks dad - that letter came at the perfect time. 

I am so grateful for all that I am learning here and the chance to share this life changing message with everyone. I have learned that ANYONE who actually tries the experiment to read the Book of Mormon, ponder, have a true desire to know if it is true, and prays to God with a sincere heart, WILL receive an answer. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It has changed my life and I have seen it change the lives of others as well.  I feel so blessed to know what I do. I love this gospel and this opportunity to serve my Heavenly Father.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading this! So glad she is doing well! Missing her!!
    luv, Odessa
