Dearest family,
We had a another great week our here in California! :) We
have started teaching a friend of one of our members this week. We love member
missionaries! She has problems with depression right now and really wants to
change her life around. The hardest commitment that we have with our
investigators is getting them to church. We invited her, and she came! We were
really excited. We have an appointment with her again tonight, so we will see
if she has been keeping her other commitments like reading and praying.
weekend was pretty crazy, El Obispo called me Saturday night and asked me to
give a talk the next morning since it was the 5th Sunday. Did you have a
missionary Sunday in your ward too? Two of the Elders spoke as well. I was
nervous when I was preparing because I didn't have a lot of time and it was in Spanish, but it actually went well. He asked me to speak about loving the
people who I serve. I talked about the story in the Book of Mormon of Ammon
serving the king and how the king had a change of heart. I also talked about
our Savior who was the perfect example of loving and serving the people, and I
shared some personal experiences. We also got to teach the young women too! We spoke about
missionary work and hopefully got them excited to share the gospel with their
Last Monday night we were tracting and we found this guy who said he
had been praying for someone to come tell him what to do with his life. We
taught the first lesson about the restoration of the Gospel and he started to
tear up. We explained to him that feelings that he was having were the spirit
testifying that these things were true. He told us that he was going to read
the Book of Mormon in one week and was so excited. He kept saying that this was
an answer to his prayers. We are worried though because he doesn't have a lot
of time to meet with us at all, and he told us that the people he's living with
are very Catholic and do not want him looking into another church. He said he
couldn't meet for our last appointment, but rescheduled for this Saturday. We
are praying that he will remember this feelings that he had. I know that he
felt the spirit, but at the same time I know that Satan is working on him
too. I know that the Gospel will change
his life for the better if he lets it. I am so grateful to be out here doing
this work. I am so blessed to have the knowledge I do about the Gospel. I love
being a missionary!!
Eric, thats awesome that your going to the temple soon!
It's the best! Curty, stop getting tan. I am trying to get tanner than
you but I don't think its working. And that's sweet that you got to play the
bugle, you're a stud. Mom, thanks for the package. I got it last Monday after we
emailed so I couldn't thank you for it yet, but it was the best!!! Oh, and I haven't heard about the gang riots. Oh dad, you should get a profile.
It's a good way to share your testimony, help others with questions that they
have about the church and be a missionary. Mom you can too if you want.
you all so much! :)
Bye bye.