Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baptism This Saturday

It's been another great week here in Cali! The members in our ward are the best. A few weeks ago we had dinner with one of the memebrs and left her with a message about missionary work. We asked her to think about a few people and pray about someone that would be willing to listen to the missionaries. We went over again this week for dinner and followed up to see if she had thought of anyone. She pulled out a long list of people she wanted the missionaries to visit. It was awesome!

After dinner we asked her if there was anything that we could do to help her. She said yes and asked if we could go to her neighbors house right then to see if they will be willing to listen. She is such a great missionary! We went over and taught the first lesson. The man we taught seemed really interested and his wife said that he usually doesn't let people from another religion into his house. It was a great experience. They don't live in our area though so we passed them to the Elders. It's sad to teach a great family and them have to pass them but we get families passed to us as well.

This week we got a name passed to us and we went over that day to meet him. He already had a couple of the lessons with the missionaries in the other area. We have met with him a few times since, and he is awesome. He wants to get baptized! We asked him if he would be baptized on the 12th of May but he wanted to do it the week before instead so it's this Saturday.

Just before this happened we were having a hard time getting people to keep commitments and most of the people we were working with were not progressing. We decided to make a goal that we would work for at least one baptism this transfer and we would do everything we could to reach that goal. We talked about how we need to have faith that we can find the right person though Heavenly Fathers help and then act and do all we can to reach that goal. Then if we have done our part Heavenly Father will help us. I know that it is not possible without the Lords help, so we have been praying to be able to find the right person who is ready for this message. It's amazing how our Heavenly Father listens to our prayers and was just waiting for us to have a little more faith. I love this gospel, I love this work, and I absolutely love being a missionary!

The missionary in our ward had a cousin that got called to Anaheim? Was it spanish speaking? He is going to love this mission! And the president is amazing! That is so cool! Talk to you in a couple of weeks for mothers day!
WOOO!!! :D Adios

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sister Layton!!!
    I love reading your wonderful updates and hearing how the mission is going. We miss you you here around the ward but know you are working hard and making a difference.
    Visited with your Dad yesterday. He was sure sore from his surgery but was doing better later on.
    They love you and are so happy when we ask how things are going.
    Be safe and happy and we appreciate all the good work you guys are doing!
    Sister Debi Hansen :)
