Hello everyone!
It has been another great week here in Fullerton! __________ got baptized last night and the spirit was so strong. She had the biggest smile
on her face the whole time. She said that she felt really good and she looked
so happy. She was so nervous for her interview and the baptism but she did such
a great job. _________ and her mom were wanting to wait to do the baptism until
________'s birthday in August but we had a very powerful lesson at the beginning
of the week and they realized that she was ready now. I am so grateful for the
guidance of the spirit and that ________ and her mom were both able to
recognize it. She is so happy with the decision that she made. _______, came to
the baptism but we have not been able to get him to come to church. He has
opened up a lot since we started teaching him but when we talk about baptism he
doesn't seem very excited. We will still be working with him though and praying
that he will see the changes in _________ and ___________. They are great examples
to him.
The members in this ward are so amazing. We have a member in
the ward named Hermana Bautista and she is the most amazing member missionary I
have ever met. She brings us around her neighborhood to everyone she knows so
that we can share the gospel with them. When she doesn't know some of her
neighbors she goes over there and gets to know them so that she can introduce
us to them later. She doesn't have any fears at all about sharing the gospel.
We have already gotten 12 member referrals from her and she said that she still
has a lot of people that she wants to introduce us to. She is such a good missionary
and an example to everyone. I know it's not always that easy to find friends to
share the gospel with, but referrals from members are so powerful and I am just
so grateful when the members understand that. Something that I have really
learned out here is how to be a member missionary. Even though I might not be
able to stay out here on the mission as long as I want, I know that I can still
be a missionary once I get home.
______ is still doing well. He came to church again on Sunday
and loved it. He is still preparing to get baptized on the 30th of June and we
are excited for him. He has been working on living the word of wisdom and said
that he has felt a lot better as he has been doing it. He has already seen a
difference and its been about a week. I am grateful to be teaching him. He was
a referral from a member. I know they progress so much faster when they have
that member support. We are also teaching a girl named _________. She is also a
friend from a member in our ward (Thank you members!) and she's progressing
really well. She has been coming to church for a couple of weeks now and really
likes it. Her older sister is also talking lessons from the singles elders.
Their parents are not really into it but are very willing to let their kids learn
and choose what they want.
Well, thats about it for the week. I love the gospel so
much! If everyone who reads this finds just one person to share the gospel with
I know that there will be miracles. :) Have a great week everyone!
~Sister Layton
So proud of her, her amazing testimony and good work!