Sister Layton with a young man who clearly has exceptional taste |
Hello my dearest family,
Sorry to hear that Obama won. That is too bad. Eric, your
letters make me laugh!!
Well, ready to hear where I am going for transfers?! I
am staying here in the City of Orange again!! Wahoo! :) That will make it at
least 9 months here.
Sister Poulson and I are training the new sister together.
Her name is sister Budge and she comes in tomorrow. We will be picking her up at Four. I am really excited!
went to the training meeting this week at Presidents house and learned a lot
about how we can be good trainers. We will be starting the 12 week program
with her which means two hours of companionship study instead of one. I think she
is from Utah somewhere near Salt Lake City. I am looking forward to getting to know
her this week.
Well, funny thing that happened this week. Remember how I told
you guys I'm never going to get pulled over? Well, I didn't know you could get pulled over on foot.
Haha! We were on a street where the crosswalk was far down and so we waited
until there weren't any cars and ran across. Then I looked over and this
motorcycle cop comes around the corner and put his lights on, he said,
"Stop right there girls!" Then he said you girls don't speak Spanish
so you don't have an excuse for not reading the signs. I should have started
speaking Spanish and acted like I didn't understand him, but I didn't think of
that until after. Oh well. I guess we wont be J-walking anymore.
Well this week
we had zone conference and Elder Kopischke from the Seventy spoke. It was about 6
hours long but it was so great! President and Sister Bowen spoke as well. :)
for [Brother X], he told us that he was going to come to church no matter what again
this week and didn't show up. :( We even called him before and he said that he
coming. We still haven't talked to him about why he didn't come but it was so
The District on P Day |
Last night we knocked into a former investigator and he told us to come in
and talk to both him and his daughter. We made a return appointment and he said
that he was going to have his wife and son come as well. He has been to church
before and said he liked it.
It is always hard to find a whole family to teach here so
I am excited to come back and teach them.
Well, not much more happened this
week. I love you all! Have a great week! :) Oh one more thing, HAPPY
ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD! :) Oh yeah, and I taught my companion how to do the
rubix cube and so we are probably doing it in the talent show for the ward
party this week.
Curtis that is awesome that you got to go shooting! You
look different and older. :'( Remember I said not to change.
(We no sooner received Briana's letter than we got another quick note from Eric, who is leaving the Guatemalan MTC tomorrow morning. He said this:
Hmmmm well good job getting pulled over Briana. That´s pretty
great. Did you get a ticket or anything or just a warning? Apparently all the
cops here are corrupt and they don´t ever pay attention to stuff like that so I
should be safe. I probably jay walk all I want! Pretty cool. Well I don´t even
know if they have crosswalks here. Well it´s great here with or without
crosswalks. Oh yeah apparently pedestrians here have no rights like in the
states so You just have to hope you aren´t hit by a truck or something. That
wouldn´t be very fun at all.)
(Later in the day, we got a second email.)
You get two emails today, Happy anniversary!!!
Well, my companions computer wasn't working earlier and
so she didn't get to email. So here we are again. I forgot to tell you about
those pictures that I sent earlier. We went to a huge trampoline gym for our P
day activity last week. They had a big foam pool that you could jump into from
the trampolines and other random stuff. The last picture was the P day before
when we carved pumpkins and played soccer. As you can see, I wasn't in the
picture. It was because I was out playing soccer.
It was so fun! We always have the best zone activities.
Today we went to the Book store because my companion needed something there. We
had gift cards from a member for a restaurant right next to it. We thought that
we would go use them since we were in the area. Well, before we got inside this
guy ran out of the restaurant and said "Hey sisters!
My boss wants to buy you lunch." We went in there
are they were having a big business meeting. It turns out that most of them
were LDS except for a couple and then they were all trying to convince the
others to listen to us. He bought us lunch and then they had to go. One of the
guys there said that his brother is in Eric's mission but I forgot to ask his
name. There was also a guy who's girlfriend lives in Bend but the name wasn't
familiar. When I was in the Bookstore the girl working there said that she just
got home from her mission in Arizona and it was the same mission as my friend.
Well it turns out that she knew him and was in his same district for a
transfer. Such a small world! Hmm..
I don't know what else happened this week. Have any of
the cousins put in their mission papers yet? When will Michael and Dallin leave